## Makefile for installing the JSR 308 compiler and the Checker Framework.
# This automates the instructions that are found in the manuals, available
# from http://groups.csail.mit.edu/pag/jsr308/ .

## 3 steps to install:
# 1. Obtain this Makefile:
#   cd
#   wget -nv -N http://groups.csail.mit.edu/pag/jsr308/current/Makefile-jsr308-install
# 2. Execute the following command, which installs the "langtools" and
# "checkers" directories into JSR308 (by default, ~/jsr308).
#   make -f Makefile-jsr308-install
# 3. In your shell startup file (such as ~/.bashrc), set the environment
# variables JAVA_HOME, PATH, and CLASSPATH; for instance, you could use
# settings like the ones that appear later in this file.
# Setting these variables will make the JSR 308 compiler your default javac;
# if you do not wish to do so, then just set the appropriate variables when
# you wish to use the JSR 308 compiler (e.g., in buildfiles and makefiles).

## Notes:
#  * This has only been tested on Linux.
#  * You should only run this script if you agree to the Sun Java SE
#    Development Kit (JDK) license.
#  * If the installation fails, please report the problem to
#     jsr308-bugs@lists.csail.mit.edu .
#    Then, follow the detailed installation instructions at
#      http://groups.csail.mit.edu/pag/jsr308/current/README-jsr308.html#installing
#      http://groups.csail.mit.edu/pag/jsr308/current/checkers-manual.html#installation
#  * Except for the default target, this Makefile should be run in
#    #${JSR308}, which defaults to ~/jsr308 .

### Variables

## You may override these settings at the shell, e.g.:
##   export JSR308=${HOME}/jsr308

# The directory containing this file, Makefile-jsr308-install
# The directory that will contain the "langtools" and "checkers" directories.
JSR308 ?= ${HOME}/jsr308

### You should not need to set any variables below this line.
### (But you may override these settings in your own personalization dotfiles.)

# Override to obtain a development release or a test release.
JSR308_WEB ?= http://groups.csail.mit.edu/pag/jsr308/current
JSR308_BUILD := 0.9.1

export JSR308

export JDK_7_BIN := jdk-7-ea-bin-b59-linux-i586-11_may_2009.bin
export DARWIN_TAR_BASENAME := openjdk7-darwin-i386-20080820
export MAKEFILE := ${MAKEFILE_DIR}/Makefile-jsr308-install

export JAVA_HOME := ${JSR308}/jdk1.7.0
export PATH := ${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

export CLASSPATH := ${CLASSPATH}:${JSR308}/jdk1.7.0/lib/tools.jar:${JSR308}/checkers/checkers.jar

UNAME := $(shell uname)

### Rules

.PHONY : chdir_then_install
chdir_then_install : ${JSR308}
	$(MAKE) -C ${JSR308} -f ${MAKEFILE} install

# By default, do all downloads before any installation.
install: download .install-jdk1.7.0 test-jdk1.7.0 .install-langtools .install-checkers test-checkers

	mkdir -p ${JSR308}

### Cleaning up

.PHONY : clean
clean: clean-checkers clean-langtools 
veryclean: clean-checkers clean-langtools clean-jdk1.7.0

.PHONY : clean-checkers
	rm -rf jsr308-checkers.zip checkers .install-checkers

.PHONY : clean-langtools
	rm -rf jsr308-langtools.zip langtools .install-langtools

.PHONY : clean-jdk1.7.0
	rm -rf jdk1.7.0 .install-jdk1.7.0

### Downloading

download: download-jdk1.7.0 download-jsr308-langtools download-jsr308-checkers

	$(MAKE) -f ${MAKEFILE} download-jdk1.7.0
.PHONY : download-jdk1.7.0
ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
# As of 2008-09-18, binaries are only available for Intel x86, not PowerPC.
# Users of PowerPC need to build OpenJDK themselves (if they can?).
	wget -nv -N http://landonf.bikemonkey.org/static/soylatte/openjdk/${DARWIN_TAR}
	wget -nv -N http://www.java.net/download/jdk7/binaries/${JDK_7_BIN}

	$(MAKE) -f ${MAKEFILE} download-jsr308-langtools
.PHONY : download-jsr308-langtools
	wget -nv -N ${JSR308_WEB}/jsr308-langtools.zip

	$(MAKE) -f ${MAKEFILE} download-jsr308-checkers
.PHONY : download-jsr308-checkers
	wget -nv -N ${JSR308_WEB}/jsr308-checkers.zip

### Installation and testing

# One reason for the indirection is that executing the binary or untarring
# creates a directory with an older date than the file.
	$(MAKE) -f ${MAKEFILE} .install-jdk1.7.0

ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
.install-jdk1.7.0: ${DARWIN_TAR}
	tar xfj ${DARWIN_TAR}
	ln -s -f ${DARWIN_TAR_BASENAME} jdk1.7.0
	touch .install-jdk1.7.0
.install-jdk1.7.0: ${JDK_7_BIN}
	chmod +x ${JDK_7_BIN}
	yes | MORE='-1000 -l' ./${JDK_7_BIN}
	touch .install-jdk1.7.0

	@echo javac version: `javac -version 2>&1`
# The output should start with "javac 1.7.0"
	javac -version 2>&1 | grep 'javac 1.7.0'

	$(MAKE) -f ${MAKEFILE} .install-langtools
.install-langtools: jsr308-langtools.zip
	$(MAKE) -f ${MAKEFILE} test-jdk1.7.0
	unzip -q -o jsr308-langtools.zip
	cd langtools/binary && yes | ant install
	touch .install-langtools

	@echo javac version: `javac -version 2>&1`
	/usr/bin/test "`javac -version 2>&1`" = "javac 1.7.0-jsr308-${JSR308_BUILD}"

	$(MAKE) -f ${MAKEFILE} .install-checkers
.install-checkers: jsr308-checkers.zip
	$(MAKE) -f ${MAKEFILE} test-langtools
	unzip -q -o jsr308-checkers.zip
#	perl -pi -e 's/^(compiler.lib=.*)$/\# \1\ncompiler.lib=..\/langtools\/binary\/javac.jar/g' checkers/build.properties
	touch .install-checkers

	cd checkers && ant all-tests
	cd checkers && javac -processor checkers.nullness.NullnessChecker examples/NullnessExample.java
	@echo "The following command is expected to issue warnings."
	-cd checkers && javac -processor checkers.nullness.NullnessChecker examples/NullnessExampleWithWarnings.java
	@echo "The previous command was expected to issue warnings."

### Additional tests (most users shouldn't have to run these)

## Todo:  check that the compiler processes Daikon and FreePastry.